Rights and Responsibilities

Guiding Principles for a Positive Learning Environment

Rights and Duties

At Al Faris International School, we believe in fostering a respectful and responsible community where rights and responsibilities go hand in hand. Our students have the right to a safe and supportive learning environment, where they can explore, grow, and thrive.

Student Rights

At Al Faris International School, we are committed to upholding the rights of our students. Students have the right to a safe and respectful learning environment that nurtures their intellectual, emotional, and social growth. They have the right to express their opinions, thoughts, and ideas freely while engaging in open and constructive discussions.

A meaningful education
A challenging and positive learning environment
Freedom from physical and verbal harassment.
Be disciplined in a respectful and humane way
Feel secure to report incidents of harassment
School administration has the right to take severe actions against this behavior.

Student Responsibilities

With rights come responsibilities. At Al Faris International School, we emphasize the importance of students taking an active role in their educational journey and contributing positively to the school community. Students have the responsibility to attend classes regularly, arrive on time, and actively participate in their learning.

Know and obey the school rules as outlined in this guide
Be courteous, punctual and contribute to a cooperative learning environment
Offensive lanquage will never be tolerated.
Respect school and other's property
Not disrupt the educational progress
Be disciplined and respectful of others
Be responsible for missed work
Strive for his or her personal best
Use the Agenda book to organize his or her work

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